Young Children Priority One

Since 1991, Kiwanis clubs have endorsed a special service interest in young children from prenatal development to age five called “Young Children: Priority One.”

Kiwanis clubs are encouraged to identify and sponsor Young Children projects in four areas of concern:

Maternal and Infant Health: The health of a mother and child during the first five years affects the child’s entire future. Kiwanis clubs support prenatal care, early childhood development and nutrition programs, and immunizations.

Child Care and Development: Children need a stimulating, supportive environment to develop. Kiwanis clubs support child-care programs, assist with child-care resources, book reading and giveaway programs, and family-literacy projects.

Parent Education and Support: Raising a child can be a challenge under the best circumstances. Kiwanis reaches out through parenting newsletters and parent-education programs.

Safety and Pediatric Trauma: Special equipment and training are required to save young lives. Therefore, Kiwanis clubs support pediatric trauma programs, help fund children’s hospitals, and distribute home-safety checklists..  
